How To Do Link Building For Seo – 5 Steps To A Successful Strategy

May 23, 2024 | Search Engine Marketing | 0 comments

Link building is necessary for SEO due to many reasons. For instance, it helps in improving search rankings, website authority, increasing user engagement and sales, building relationships, etc.

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It is a process that involves getting links from other websites to your site or a particular webpage. These links will act as a vote of confidence for search engines that other websites think the information on the website is credible and useful. That’s why they have given the link to you. This will further result in improved rankings. 

Due to this, you will often see SEO experts or website admins always trying to get as many links as possible from other sites. But remember, they do not just blindly get backlinks from every site. Instead, they would have created a strategy that they follow to build links.

In this blog post, we are going to explain five steps through which you can create an effective strategy for link building. 

5 Steps That You Should Follow For Efficient Link Building For SEO

Below are the five steps of a successful strategy that you need to follow to build links for SEO. 

1) Find Niche Relevant Sites:

First of all, you have to find sites that are relevant to your niche. This is essential because backlinks from relevant sites are considered more credible and trustworthy by search engines like Google. 

On the other hand, getting backlinks from irrelevant domains is considered illegal and instead of experiencing a higher ranking, your site may be penalized or removed from SERP.  

That’s why you need to look for a website that is relevant to your niche. This means you have to find sites that have covered the same topics as your site. For instance, if your site is about academics, then you should look for backlinks from educational sites, tools, journals, etc. 

2) Check The DA PA Of The Site

You should build backlinks on a site that has a high DA PA score. The DA refers to domain authority which is a score (0-100) that tells the ranking potential of a site in the search results. On the other hand, PA refers to page authority which is also a score (0-100) that search engines assign to a particular website or webpage. 

If a website has higher domain and page authority, it is an indication that it is credible in the eyes of search engines, and getting a link from it will be worthwhile. 

However, it is important to note that both DA and PA are not search engine ranking factors. But SEO gurus or link builders take both these into consideration before getting backlinks. So, you should go for sites that have high DA and PA scores. 

Now you may be wondering how you can determine the DA and PA of a particular site…right? The one and only way to do this is by utilizing a DA PA checker. It will quickly and accurately measure the DA and PA of the given website and provide output results. You can easily find numerous DA PA checkers on the internet. To provide you with a better idea of how the tool will provide you with DA PA scores, check out the image picture: 

When you get backlinks from sites with high domain and page authority, Google will most likely consider those links credible, resulting in improved rankings –the primary goal of link building. 

3) Approach Sites That Have Higher Traffic & DR Than Yours

You should not just stick to looking for high DA and PA sites. Instead, you should find websites with good DA and PA, traffic, and DR (domain rating). 

This is an essential step for a successful backlinking strategy, because there are numerous sites available online that have raised their domain and page authority using black hat SEO techniques, but their sites do not receive good traffic. 

That’s why it is recommended to not just stick to high DA and PA. Instead, you also check whether the site is receiving a good amount of organic traffic and a high domain rating. For this, you also need to get help from online tools such as Ahrefs. This toolkit provides tools for both checking traffic and domain rating of the given site. For a demonstration, check out the picture below: 

When you add your site link to a high-traffic, there is a strong chance that the link will drive maximum visitors to your website. On the other hand, a higher domain rating will add credibility and trustworthiness to your backlink.

Tip: You should determine the recent month’s traffic graph of the site from which you are planning to get a backlink. If the graph is going up, then you are good to go, if it is going downwards, it may be an indication that the site has recently got a hit/penalty from a search engine. 

4) Create & Publish High-Quality Guest Posts

Once you have found a site that is relevant to the niche has a good domain and page authority score and receives a decent amount of traffic amount of a regular basis. Then, you all have to do is approach the site owner or admin and ask for collaboration of a guest post. 

When you get the approval, you can then proceed to create a high-quality guest post that will be published on the selected site. Remember, you should pay attention to the quality of the content so that your guest post ranks higher in the SERP. 

Additionally, if your guest post content quality is not up to the mark, there is also a chance the admins of the site may reject your content. Now most of you may be wondering what high-quality guest content is actually. Don’t worry, we are here to explain to you. It a content that has the following characteristics.

  • Completely unique and plagiarism-free.
  • Provides valuable information in a simple-to-understand manner. 
  • Free from unnecessary words (to-the-point info). 

Taking care of all these while writing content may be difficult, especially if you are a link-builder who is not from the writing field. 

In such kind of instead of getting worried or frustrated, you can consider getting help from a paraphrasing tool. It will automatically paraphrase your given content in a 100% unique and simple way while also eliminating overused or unnecessary words from it. 

5) Monitor The Performance Of The Backlinks

After creating backlinks, you should consistently monitor its performance to determine whether it is providing good results or not. This is also an essential step in a successful backlink strategy. 

If you have found that the backlink is providing good results from an SEO perspective, then you tailor your next link-building strategy according to that backlink. On the other hand, if it is not performing well, then you should avoid building links with the same strategy. 

Want to know how you can monitor the performance of a backlink? For this, you have to get help from online tools such as SEMrush. It will provide you with useful insights about the backlinks of a site. For a better understanding, check out the picture attached below:  

By determining the performance of created backlinks, you can tailor your link building strategy accordingly to get the most out of it.  

Final Words

You need to build links on high authority to improve search visibility in the search results. However, you need to be careful while building a link, because one bad backlink can cause harm to your rankings. Due to this reason, it is recommended to follow the right steps for link building. This blog post has covered those steps in detail. 

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