Your Guide To Local SEO Services

Mar 20, 2024 | Search Engine Marketing | 0 comments

Just when you think you’ve got your online marketing strategy finally figured out, something else pops up. You’re optimizing your content and webpages and your site is moving up in the search engine results.

Photo by Sumaid pal Singh Bakshi on Unsplash

Everything’s going great and you’re starting to see results, but are you reaching all of your potential customers? Without local SEO services, you may be missing out on a significant portion of online consumers.

So, what is local SEO and how can you implement the practices in your online marketing strategy?

A Quick Look at Local SEO

Okay, you already know SEO is the acronym for search engine optimization. You even have a general idea of what it entails and are working with a great SEO service provider. Your website is moving up in the rankings and sales are increasing. So far, it seems like you’re doing everything right. Congratulations, but don’t forget about your local customers. This is when local SEO becomes important.

Local SEO works to increase your website’s visibility to local traffic. These are the individuals in your area who are searching for a business near them. If your keyword list often includes terms like ‘near me’, this is an example of SEO.

Basically, local SEO uses local keywords to optimize your Google business profile. This way when a potential customer is searching for a business in your industry near them, your website pops up at the top of the results page.

The Primary Factors in Local Search Algorithms

Search engine algorithms look for a variety of factors when determining a website’s rankings. Things like content relevancy, links, and images are a few examples. While these still apply in local SEO, a couple of others also take prominence.

Distance is one and importance is the other primary factor. Distance refers to how far the search engine, usually Google, believes the business is from the customer. The importance or prominence of the business is a little harder to judge, but the search engine rarely has an issue. This refers to how important the search engine believes the business is for customers—and yes, this can get a little confusing. 

Your business may offer the best products but this doesn’t necessarily mean the search engine is going to agree. However, using local SEO you can convince the search engine your business is one consumers need.

How to Implement Local SEO

Okay, now that you have a general idea of what local SEO is, it’s time to put it into practice. Don’t worry, local SEO isn’t difficult, especially if you’re already optimizing your website. You’re only adding a few keywords and some basic information to catch the search engine’s attention.

Research Keywords

You might as well accept the fact that SEO whether national or local is going to involve keyword research. The keywords are one of the metrics search engines like Google look for. 

Without keywords, it’s pretty much impossible to get your site to rank in the top ten. The only exception might be if you’re one of only a handful of businesses in your niche. Since most niches have more than ten businesses, you’re stuck doing keyword research.

Finding keywords for local SEO may be a little easier than you think. Remember, your content is already using keywords for national SEO so you’re already off to a good start. Along with going through keyword lists, you can also check out your competitors. Click on their sites, what keywords are they using? Do any apply to your website? However, before you get too excited, make sure the keywords also apply to your location. 

For example, if your business is in Texas and your closest competitor is based in California, you probably don’t want to use keywords referring to The Golden State. Remember, this is local SEO, and the keywords must apply to your business location for it to be effective.

Another way to generate keywords is to let Google do the work. Have you ever noticed how Google likes to automatically fill in your search queries? These suggestions can also be used as SEO keywords. Google’s suggestions tend to reflect the most often-used search terms, making it easier to find high-ranking keywords.

Once you have a list of keywords, it’s time to insert them into your business page. If the keywords make sense, you can also use them in your content but don’t overstuff. Instead of ranking higher, your site may drop down in the search engine results.

Optimize Your Business Page

Google has a lot of handy tools to help websites succeed and one is its business profile. The free tool lets you list details about your business like its location, services, and products. You can even upload photos to really capture consumers’ attention. 

After all, consumers tend to pay more attention to images than text, so being able to upload photos is a great way to ensure your business isn’t overlooked. Photos can also help prevent any confusion, especially if your business name doesn’t adequately reflect the type of products or services you offer.

An example is if your business name is Monty’s Favorite Things. Your store is selling pet supplies and is named after your dog. Since most consumers aren’t going to have a clue who Monty is or what he likes, driving customers in can be challenging. However, thanks to Google Business Pages you can upload images of Monty’s favorite dog toys.

Encourage Consumers to Leave Reviews

If you’re not already encouraging consumers to leave reviews, now’s the time to start. Reviews are powerful and can influence consumers’ decisions to shop at a business. Google also likes reviews and uses the feedback to rank sites.

If your consumers aren’t the best at leaving reviews for your site, try to come up with strategies to encourage them. You can offer a one-time discount if they leave a review or give them a promotional item on their next visit. The more reviews your business receives, the better its chances of moving up in the search engine rankings.

Local SEO Is Worth the Effort

The investment in local SEO, though time-consuming, can yield substantial rewards for your business. If dedicating time or resources to keyword research and business page optimization seems daunting, enlisting a local SEO service can be a strategic move. 

Such services can offer the expertise and tools necessary to enhance your online presence effectively, ensuring your business stands out in local search results. On top of this, this approach streamlines the optimization process and also allows you to focus on other critical aspects of your business while professionals handle all of your SEO needs.

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