Web Eminence Blog

Website Builder Reviews, Website Tools & Design, Search Engine Marketing, WordPress Tips, and more...

Google Display Network vs Search Network [VIDEO]

Google Display Network vs Search Network [VIDEO]

What’s the difference between the display network and search network in Google Ads? You must understand this crucial distinction if you’re going to have any success with your PPC advertising.

Transfer Domain Name – Step by Step

Transfer Domain Name – Step by Step

Transferring a domain name can be a complicated process if you’re never done it before. I show you step by step how to do it with a video walk through of the entire process.

Weebly eCommerce Review – Simple Online Selling

Weebly eCommerce Review – Simple Online Selling

Selling online has gotten a lot easier thanks to Weebly’s eCommerce platform. There are a lot of complicated options for selling online and many of them require you to piece together different puzzle pieces to make your online store work.

Weebly eCommerce puts everything in one easy package and is as easy as the Weebly website builder that made them popular.

How To Choose a Business Domain Name

How To Choose a Business Domain Name

Over 100 million .COM domains have been registered as of July 2014, but at the same time, only about half of small businesses currently have a website. As all these small businesses get with the times and create a website, they will be gobbling up...

SEO Included… Or is it? Understanding On-Page SEO

SEO Included… Or is it? Understanding On-Page SEO

SEO Included - or is it? "SEO" is a fashionable term among small business website owners. It’s great that they know the acronym for Search Engine Optimization and are smart enough to look for it when purchasing website services, but knowing the acronym is just the tip...

I answer your digital marketing questions in this Youtube Series! 

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